The chances are you know a Mason but don’t know it! If your father, uncles, or grandfathers aren’t Masons, they probably know someone who is. Try asking around your workplace or school, church, or gym – anywhere that you find a group of men, you might find a Mason. You can also contact us for more information.

Masons are proud of their association with the Fraternity but this does not mean they publicly promote their position. It may be difficult for them to speak with their friends or family members because they don’t want to be seen to evangelise about Freemasonry. However, don’t be put off, investigate and you will find Freemasons happy to talk and advise.

If you don’t know anyone who is a Mason and you are a complete stranger to all of the members of the lodge, you are going to want to take some time getting to know them. But they are going to want to take some time getting to know you too. Once you are ready to ask, a member of the lodge will sign your petition.

Posted in: Frequently Asked Questions